Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Do what you like , when you like.

Now all around listen up for this is a perilous tale of the girl who wore stilletos and fell over net and the crowd could only say "ohhhhhh". For her undies were pink and no one asked her to drink.

Random story I just made up. Meaning, don't, just don't, wear stilletos aroud nets. No screth that. DON'T wea stilletos at all.

Friday, September 24, 2010


In alot of ways, we are bound by what we look like, who we are and how we do things. Alot of people can't leave the house unless they look perfect, famous or not. But sometimes the latest fashion doesn't suit you. It suits the maker of the fashion and what they think a 15 year old will like. But sometimes you don't. You just think " Yuck, even my grandma wouldn't wear that"!
But there is a way to scratch the new fashion and be your own person. I have a suggestion.
Fedora or high roller or what-ever-you-call-it hat
A black shirt
Colourful belt
Red jeans
Converse High tops
 Ok, so thats just my idea of a cool but casual outfit. Let yourself loose on your wardrobe and see what you produce.
Pip pip